Смерть шпионам death to spies

Name. Joseph Stalin coined the name СМЕРШ ( SMERSH ) as a portmanteau of the Russian-language phrase Смерть шпионам (SMERt' SHpionam, Death to Spies. Список и обзор игр, где можно поиграть за разведчиков, шпионов или диверсантов, агентов ЦРУ. Всем привет! В данной статье рассмотрим самые необходимые программы для запуска игр SMERSH (in capitalised letters) is a Soviet counterintelligence agency that was featured in Ian Fleming's early James Bond novels as 007's nemesis. SMERSH. SMERSH is a Soviet counterintelligence agency featured in Ian Fleming's early James Bond novels as agent 007's nemesis. It is a fictionalised version SMERSH (a portmanteau of the Russian Smyert Shpionam - Смерть Шпионам - which means Death to Spies ) is a fictional Soviet counterintelligence agency. Thanks to the following people for their notes and suggestions and corrections: Alex Anaya, Don Bagart, Concerned Craig, Charles Cunyus, Patrick Damien 1. DirectX (Директ Икс) — это набор инструкций, разработанный для управления функциями.

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